Venice Women's Sailing Squadron, "Bitter Ends"!
Regatta |
Group picture of attendees,
taken by Guest Reporter Fran Valencic! |
The 45th Anniversary Planning
Committee, note Dianne Henderson missing due to illness.
Left to right: Nancy Marik, Karen Williams, Penny Washburn,
Lois Steketee, Wendy Murray, Captain Pam Miller, photo taken
by Guest Reporter Fran Valencic! |
Home Interclub |
Thank you Beth Anderson for
these first sail of the season photos. Click each for
a larger image! |
Ann Carrol
Shirley Geoffrion
Shirley and Tryout Nancy Beane
Nancy Marik |
Anne Chotkowski
New SALTS: Pam Rocchicciolli and Mary Littel |
RC Boat with Bill Chotkowski and Tom Schriewer
Kayakians: Anchors Lois Steketee Sue Carroll and
Jean Ozimek
In Sunfish Captain Pam Miller says "Hi" to Sue
and Jean
Fall 2021-2022 Season
Off to a Start! Captain Pam Miller at left leads rigging review while Anchors plan their
activities including concurrent Kayaking! |
New Sunfish Salt Mary Littel at
lower left starts rigging her Sunfish with help from Sunfish Old Salts Jane and Shirley!
Summer 2021 FUN:
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